Tuesday, November 5, 2013

About the Authors

Two sisters blogging on their journey to find the health happiness and balance in all aspects of life! With input and knowledge from Dr. Jacob Bower.

Jessica Stout has been a cosmetologist for 13 years and has always had a love for reading, however in the past year her reading and research has taken her on a whole new journey in educating herself in all things health and happiness. She has been a CrossFit athlete for over a year and turned to the Paleo diet after dealing with health problems related to her thyroid. She found that diet and exercise could help moderate and control her thyroid thus giving her the much needed healthy and energetic life she had been looking for! She has recently learned the health benefits of essential oils and enjoys yoga and meditaion and spending time with her husband Brad.

Rachel Bower is a mother of two boys and wife to Dr. Jacob Bower. Both her and her husband are former College athletes and found that balancing a healthy lifestyle after years of sports was harder then it seemed. As her husband started his masters degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition the both decided they were ready for healthy lifestyle change! Both are CrossFit Athletes and do much of there own workout regimens alongside that. Both Rachel and Jacob are avid about finding natural alternatives to all of lifes injuries and health issues as they arise. Jacob will receive his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree in 2014 and specializes in sports chiropractic, Graston Technique, Active Release Therapy, Rock Tape and much more.

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