Sunday, January 26, 2014

Raw Paleo Chocolate Dessert Hearts

Raw Paleo Chocolate Dessert Hearts

I've pretty much decided that most days I need a dessert. I'm proud to say I've found a balance with this and always make it a Paleo Dessert. Some days it's just a 80-90% square of Chocolate. Some days I pull out one of my Paleo Desserts I have stashed away in the freezer. I think for me I have found if I don't deprive myself I don't binge. And if I keep it to one small Paleo dessert a night I don't feel bad about it. With ALL of that being said I have to say this.  It's called a DESSERT for a reason. Just because it's Paleo doesn't mean you can make a batch of these babies and devour the whole thing. Well, I mean you could, but you might hate yourself afterwards. Or at least I would.  So I guess what I'm saying is to each their own. I know the whole Paleo Dessert thing gets a lot of flack because is it STRICT Paleo or NOT??  Honestly.. I don't give a shit. Excuse my French.  I am one girl trying to make this a lifestyle. Meaning I try to eat Paleo 90% of the time & Gluten Free 100% of the time. Maybe some people can eat Paleo 90% of the time and have Pizza and beer on their cheat meals. I CANT.  Period. I will send myself into full auto immune attack if I do. So what I have found the last year is if I eat Paleo and I allow myself an indulgence when I want one I tend to be happier and more content with this lifestyle of eating and not yo-yo diet or fall off the band wagon.  Or blow it with pizza and beer. Ok I'm done ranting... I'll give you the recipe 😜

Raw Paleo Chocolate Dessert Hearts

- 1/3 Healing Cup of Walnuts
-1 Tsp Coconut Oil
- 1 Tsp Cocoa Powder 
- 5 Dates soaked in water for an hour
- Tad bit of Sea Salt added to base mixture. 
- About 5 ounces of 80-90% Chocolate
( I used a full bar of 90% and 1/2 a bar of 86%)
- 1 Tblsp Almond Butter
- Unsweetened Shredded Coconut for sprinkling. 
- Sillicone heart mold (or any mold you want)

In a food processor combine Walnuts, Dates, Cocoa Powder and Coconut Oil and Sea Salt. Pulse until all ingredients are chopped and mixed and can be held together if pushed between your fingers. If your mixture is too oily add more walnuts if it's not staying together add a tiny bit more of oil.

Now press a small amount into the bottom of mold about maybe 1/4 way up or less. 

Now stick in freezer for about 5 minutes to firm up. While those are firming, melt down your chocolate in the microwave.  I usually do mine 30 seconds at at time stirring in between.  Now add 1 Tbsp of Almond butter to melted Chocolate making sure to stir really well so there are no lumps. 

Once the Walnut mixture has firmed up take out of freezer. Your going to spoon the Chocolate over the walnut base to about 3/4 the way up. (Try not to be as messy as me about it 😳). Once the chocolate is starting to firm up a bit sprinkle with Coconut and Stick back into Freezer. 

Once they have completely firmed up take out and peel out of the mold.  Stick in Ziplock bag. They need to be kept in the freezer to keep the walnut mixture in tact. So just pull one out as you feel like it :)

- Jessica


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