Monday, February 24, 2014

Balance.. Finding ways to keep everything balanced

I've been on a three week strict Paleo Cleanse. After the holidays my hair started falling out and it just kept getting worse. I ate bad the week of Christmas but I cleaned up my diet shortly afterwards and I started feeling better immediately but my hair just wouldn't stop falling out. So my first thought was I wasn't eating clean enough and I need to do a three week cleanse of no dairy or sugar (meaning no chocolate 😒).  So I did it.  And it was no fun.  My meals were super boring like chicken and broccoli. I didn't have anything fun to post and that made me sad. On the last day of my cleanse my hair was still falling out. It occurred to me that maybe for once this issue had to do with stress in my life and not my auto immune disease Hashimoto's.  So I decided to start a de-stressing process which included introducing chocolate and red wine back into my diet and adding yoga once a week on top of my Crossfit work outs.  The day after my cleanse ended we left for a trip to Catalina that was already planned. I took my running shoes and swore to myself I would get a good run in both days.  I got up both mornings ran stairs and ran up and down those hilly little Catalina streets. And on the first night I cut loose had some drinks and danced and even twerked (yes I twerk, and yes I can twerk good ask my sisters 😉).  I came home feeling like I truly had a great time and feeling like I learned a valuable lesson. And that lesson was this.. BALANCE. It's one of the 3 words Rachel and I have made our life Philosphy. And yet I still struggle with it.  I'm human I know. But I had been letting the stress of my work, the stress of always trying to eat so clean, the stress of making sure to get my workouts in and all the other stresses of life, take over me and in return I lost my balance.  The day I got to Catalina it occurred to me what was going on with my body. My body was telling me something and I wasn't listening instead I took the stress to a whole new level by trying to deprive myself of the things I love most.  I feel like a idiot. But that's exactly what happened. And crazy thing is as soon as I acknowledged to myself what the problem was it was like each morning when I washed my hair there was Less hair in my hands. It's still not back to normal but let me tell you there's a considerable difference.  So I guess why I'm sharing this with our followers is because I want you to know how human I am and how I try to live my life healthy happy and balanced but even I fall off the bandwagon and screw shit up. The awesome thing is that everyday we have a tomorrow to get back on that band wagon and straighten things back out. So that's what I'm doing. I'm having more fun, eating good but allowing myself indulgences and finding new ways to keep my stress at bay. I hope you too can find what makes and keeps you healthy happy and balanced. 

1 comment:

  1. Sucks to have to learn balance by sacrificing food you love...and take 3 weeks to figure it out but there will be another life lesson to learn and hopefully you won't go around the circle so long before you listen to that inner knowing that is trying to talk to you. You might try just etting alone and quieting yourself. Then clear your mind of all thinking, self-talk, noise...blank. AND LISTEN!! Amazing what you'll HEAR. Love ya!! Keep up these great posts!!
