Sunday, June 8, 2014

My fitness journey: Crossfit

my sis and I at her box Crossfit Frenzy

The founder of crossfit explains its purpose in this video (link above).  He doesn't mince words. However explains it in a very matter of fact, logical, and scientific way! Thus leading me to this blog post. Lots of negativity about crossfit flooding my newsfeeds lately. I don't believe in diminishing other peoples workout regimens if that is what makes them happy and healthy. However I do love being apart of a  movement that provides me the opportunity to be capable of fitness in a broad spectrum and also be apart of wonderful community of people! For those who say it causes injury... I will just use the word naive. My husband (sports chiropractor DC and masters in exercise physiology) works on sports injuries on a daily basis involving people participating in every possible sporting activity you can imagine. Every sport and fitness regimen comes with risks. Bad training and coaching are happening at every level of fitness you can think of and is a factor in why athletes can get hurt during physical activity. On another hand, anytime you are physically moving your body you are taking a risk for injury. So, if you don't want to get hurt go right ahead and sit on a couch and do nothing. You might find out soon enough though that you are at more risk of physical injury and decrepitation by doing that then the alternative. Risk and reward, you can way the odds and decide for yourself. As for me I will be taking the risk of moving my body. Here's my story: 

I played volleyball and other sports from the time I was a young girl all the way through college. I watched my husband play football through college as well. I can tell you that we both have experienced injuries through training. It's a part of being physically active. Post college and babies I became a long distance runner. Running half marathons and everything in between. I experienced debilitating knee pain causing me to hardly be able to run more then 100 meters without pain.  My husband diagnosed my knee injuries and encouraged me to do Crossfit  as a component to actually strengthen the muscles surrounding my knee. Reluctant to cause more injury to myself and doubting his diagnosis I was invited by him and close friends to try Crossfit. I finally decided that I would wait for baby number two to arrive then join. Six weeks post baby I did my first Crossfit workout at Crossfit Willow Glen in San Jose. Hardest work out of my life. Of course I committed to go again just a few days later. I have a problem with telling people NO.   Let's just say I hardly slept the next two nights because I was so freaked out about putting my body through such an intense workout again. I kept going though and I stuck with it. Something about challenging  myself at that level and accomplishing it after having a baby was empowering to say the least. Especially as a women. Every day I walked in the gym having no idea what the workout was going to be. Some days were harder then others. Most days I couldn't imagine how I was going to get through the workout the coaches had posted on the board. I had gained 40lbs during my pregnancy leaving me with about 30lbs to lose post baby. I lost those 30lbs within a short amount of time with working out 3-4 days a week and eating clean whole foods. To my surprise my knee pain dissipated. I was very careful at the start to monitor my knees with the help of my coaches and husband. Within 6 months I had no knee pain at all.  The strength training that comes with Crossfit had  strengthen the muscles in and around my knees immensely. I realized that my "routine" of running long distance on a daily basis was literally waring my knees out. The same pounding motion of running every day had left me almost crippled. So I bought in on this thing/fad called Crossfit that I sort of desperately tried to avoid. I hate fads by the way. But I am hooked. So what is Crossfit anyway? Well thats not easy to explain. I can honestly say that it took me months before I pieced together what it was and why it actually works. Not sure why it took me so long but I will blame it on "mom brain" since saying I'm not very smart doesn't sound as good. The best way to figure out what Crossfit is all about is to just do it. But not everyone is capable of or willing to do that so here is my take on a description. Crossfit is defined as constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity. Ok so what the hell does that mean right? Constantly varied meaning, having no routines and doing a different workouts and movements everyday.  Functional movements meaning movements I use on a daily basis (running, squating, picking up kids, lifting boxes over my head, carrying 50lbs of groceries up two flights of stairs etc.) All things My body does on a daily basis fall under functional movement category. High intensity meaning I do these constantly varied workouts with power, speed, force over a certain amount of distance as best and fast as I can. When I was a runner I had the same routine. Monday I ran this certain distance, Tuesday I ran another distance etc. Or even in college, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays we would work certain muscle groups and Tuesday, Thursdays we would work other muscle groups. Once again it was routine. Crossfit workouts are constantly different. They are not conclusive to any routine. Spontaneous workouts are sometimes scary but at the same time absolutely rewarding. You never know what you are going to get. I literally feel as if my body is physically ready for anything you can throw at me.   I've never been physically faster, stronger, and felt better then ever before.  But let me throw one more at you. How about I say I've never felt better emotionally, mentally, and spiritually then ever before. Ok that can't be possible right? It is!! It's no secret.  Science proves physical activity stimulates our brains. We can think clearer and literally change our moods through physical activity. For me I went from being a college volleyball player to a mom in a matter of months. Literally I played my last month of volleyball pregnant. Yep, and to top it off I didn't even know it. Oops! If anyone knows me and my story (a bit personal) they can understand the pure joy and excitement that having a baby meant to me! It meant EVERYTHING to me. I stayed active during my pregnancy and had a very easy labor. Then started the joys of motherhood! Literally the best thing that has ever happened to me is an understatement.   Being a former athlete, physical fitness and sports have been the main focus for the majority of my life. I ABSOLUTELY  have to move my body and be physically active or I will shut down. I am not kidding, just ask my husband. I enjoy being a stay at home mom and I also enjoy taking a small amount of time out of my day to focus on my mental and physical health. It makes me a better mother and wife there is no doubt. I can keep up with my two busy boys on a daily basis and not feel literally exasperated by the end of the day. I can play volleyball on weekly basis with my friends and not feel like the ex college athlete that is out if shape and making (some what) of a fool out of myself. Actually I'm more physically fit then I was in college! I guess I am saying all of this to say...... Here it goes.... Crossfit makes me happy! Wait. That's it? I wrote all of that to tell you it makes me happy? Yep! Who gives a shit if you or anyone for that matter doesn't like Crossfit? I don't. Because here is what it all comes down to. Find what makes you happy and do it! Easy enough right. Does body building and dieting then getting judged in a bikini make you happy? Great! Then do it. Does that work for me? No. Does dance workouts in front of your tv with an instructor make you happy. Great! Then do it. Does taking long walks at sunset with your dog make you happy. Great. Then do that! If you find a way to be physically active and maintain a healthy lifestyle that makes you happy then do what works for you. The great thing about life is that we are all individuals. We are NOT the same. Meaning the same things cannot not make us all happy all the time. I do think anyone is capable of doing Crossfit but I realize it is not for everyone. Crossfit makes the most sense for my physical fitness therefore it makes me happy and that is why I  choose to do it. Now here is my last little tid bit on what Crossfit has done for me. It has changed my perspective on body image. When I started Crossfit I told myself that I didn't really want to get bulky. I just want to be lean and lose my baby weight. All 30lbs of it. So that's what I did. Then I started caring less about what my scale said and how my body looked and began focusing on how strong, fast, and fit I was. I became obsessed with how I felt instead of how I looked. When I ate like crap I felt like crap.  When I stopped working out for a week because I was feeling lazy I felt like crap. So all the sudden my body starts changing again. My body is more muscular.
My 130lb ideal pre baby body weight obsession was booted out the door. I started gaining weight. Almost 10lbs and counting to be exact. My pre baby jeans were getting tight on my thighs and butt because they were getting bigger. But I was starting to get a smaller waist thus forcing me to now where a belt on a daily basis. I have less fat on my body hence you can see where I am going with this considering breast size right?!  

(Before and after: not sure how my legs got bigger.. Must be all those squats!) 

So here is my thought process now. Yes I really liked my long skinny legs and a bit bigger boobs. But I like how I feel 10 times better then what people consider an ideal body image. So I've thrown that out the door. I've embraced my new body. I'm confident in it. I feel strong and I feel empowered as a women. I beat and out lift guys (my own husband in fact) in workouts sometimes and damn it that makes me happy and proud to be a women. So there you go. My take on why Crossfit is for me and why I am so honored to be apart of such a great community. I recently moved to Boise Idaho leaving behind my home gym Crossfit  Willow Glen. I am serious when I say that leaving my gym was the hardest part about moving away. I absolutely love and adore the people I associated and became friends with the past two years. The great things is Crossfit is everywhere. I've already stopped in and worked out at few places here in boise and am so encouraged by the comradary and welcoming spirit every where I've gone. That is what Crossfit is all about.  Not pictured is our good friends the Mangisis who first introduced Jacob and I to Crossfit. How is that possible I can't find a photo!? Love them though!!

❤️ Rach 

Lifting partners! Gosh I love them and our many laughs! 

Crossfit sistas

My box/crossfit Willow Glen owner and coach Audra Soltis. I owe this women an infinite amount of gratitude. She is a one of a kind! Love her! 

My last wod before our move to boise! I will be back soon to visit! Love this gym and all those who make it what it is!

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